Greetings, treasure seeker!

A journey full of fun and colourful characters awaits you...
Visit all seven stands across the seven seas and collect a mark from each to claim your bounty!
Read on for how to complete this quest-

Text Only Rules

  • Collect prizes from Beep’s Creatures, Amethyst Creations or Articus IRA

  • One map per person; one prize per person.

  • Minimum spend per stall for a stamp is £5.

  • All stamps must be collected for a prize.

  • Bunnypaws (Sunday pop-up shop) is optional, but comes with a bonus prize from Bunnypaws.

  • Bonus prizes may be collected with all stamps on Sunday only from Bunnypaws pop-up shop.

  • Maps that have been tampered with (e.g. marked to appear like the stamp collector has made a purchase that they have not) will be disqualified.

Stall Locations

  • Carniv Creations - E31 & E32

  • Beep Creatures - W8 collect prizes here

  • Aperture Plushies - E38

  • Bunny Paws - C07 sunday only

  • Peristertronic - W22

  • Amethyst Mare - A39 & A40 collect prizes here

  • The Book Badgers - E07

  • Arctis Ira - D04 collect prizes here

Event by Beep Creatures
Website by Carniv Creations
All artists have contributed prizes & time